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Cognitive Control & Aging


When we are driving, studying, or even walking down the street, focusing on the relevant information while ignoring irrelevant information is critical. Likewise, cognitive control is tightly entangled with our everyday life. My research focus on to examine how people come up with a different cognitive control strategies (could be implicit or explicit) based on expected task difficulty, context, or reward. I'm also conducting a study examining how cognitive control is affected by healthy aging and Alzheimer's disease. 


Red Hammer
Black Mug
Green Scissors
Wooden Chair 2
Frame for Your Projects
Black Desk Lamp 1

Visual Working Memory of Action-related Objects


We are living in a complex visual world. I'm interested in how we perceive and remember objects, especially action-related objects. For example, how we remember a mug, hammer, or scissors can be different from how we remember a chair, picture-frame, or lamp. I am investigating how action-related aspects of an object influence representation of the object in visual working memory.


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